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Solo Show
Sep 21,2024 -16 Feb, 2025
Ciudad de México
Festival Foto Septiembre
Dec 15,2024 -16 Feb, 2025
Sala Amos Salvador
Logroño, Spain
Ira Lombardia is an artist, researcher and educator who works across a diverse range of media such as photography, video, graphic design and sculpture. With her work she questions discourses, dynamics and rhetorics that have been assumed in the realm of contemporary art, photography and philosophy. Her research based practice, focuses on the transformation of the postmodern paradigm in relation to the digital visual culture.
Ira Lombardia (Spain, 1977) lives and works at Upstate NY where she teaches at Syracuse University. Her artwork has been exhibited internationally, including her first solo show in USA, VOID, in SCAD Museum of Arts (Savannah, Georgia, 2021-2022) and venues such as Israel Museum, (Jerusalem,2023) SCAN Project Room, (London 2019) Caixa Forum (Barcelona,2019), European Photography Festival (Italy 2017 ), The Billboard Creative (Los Angeles, 2016 ) and Liverpool Biennial (Liverpool, UK, 2015) . Her work has been widely recognized with awards such as Derivada. 6º Edition. Santander Bank Foundation Grant. (Spain,2023) PICE Mobility Grant (2019) , she has been nominated for the First Post-photography Prototyping Prize (P3) held by Fotomuseum Winterthur and Julius Baer Foundation (Switzerland, 2017), she gained the UCO-LF. International Contemporary Photography Grant (Spain, 2015) and Entreacto Award by Santander Bank Foundation (Spain, 2015) , among other awards and recognitions. She had been artist in residency in programs such SCAN, 2º AIR, London, 2018 and La Fragua International Residency Program, 2015. Her work is present in collections such as IMJ Collection. Israel Museum. (Jerusalem, Israel), Susch Museum ( Switzerland), Kells Collection (Spain) Kablanc Otazu Foundation (Spain), Pilar Citoler Foundation (Spain),and private collections at New York, Chicago, London, Sydney and Paris. Recently her work has being highlighted at Paris Photo on Paris x Elles an initiative of the French Ministry of Culture curated by Karolina Ziebinska-Lewandoska (curator of photography at Centre Pompidou, Paris). Her works has being publish in magazines such as Eikon ( Viena, 2014 ) or Fisheye ( Paris, 2020 ) were her work has being chosen as a cover image for nº44 dedicated to women photographers and books like Elles x Paris Photo, Editions Textuel 2023.Her work is represented by Alarcon Criado Gallery, participating in international art fairs such as Paris Photo, Untitled Miami, Artbo Bogota, ARCO Lisboa and ARCO Madrid among others.
Void. Curated by DJ Hellerman. SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah, Georgia, USA. 2021
Void.Sector Curiosa.Paris Photo. Curated by Shoair Mavlin. Paris, France, Alarcón Criado Gallery. 2021
The Rest is History, Alarcón Criado Gallery, Seville, Spain. 2021
Neo Gods and Hyper Myths. Alarcón Criado Gallery, Festival Off. Photoespaña 2020
Neo Gods and Hyper Myths. Scan Project Room. London.UK 2019
Neo Gods and Hyper Myths. Alarcón Criado Gallery. Sevilla. Spain. 2019
Influencer. Alarcón Criado Gallery. Sevilla. 2016
The End of the Index Logic. Combo Independent Art Space. Córdoba. Spain. 2015
It’s not about looking; It´s about reading. Moisés Pérez de Albéniz Gallery. Madrid. 2015
A Thousand Pieces. Curator: Roberto Vidal. Off Gallery, Just Madrid, Madrid. 2013
A Cabine. Sopro Gallery. Lisbon. 2009
An Interfered Landscape. Curator: Abel Hernandez. Young Art Center, Madrid. 2009
Derivada. Santander Bank Foundation. ARCO Madrid. Art Fair. Alarcón Criado Gallery, Madrid, Spain. 2024
Making Visible. Collective Show. Curated by Lara Pan
Harlan Levey Projects, Brusells, Belgium. January-March 2024
Mujeres por el Arte. Colección DKV. Atarazanas El Grau. Valencia. December 2023-January 2022
Derivada. Santander Bank Foundation. Estampa. Art Fair. Alarcón Criado Gallery, Madrid, Spain. 2024
In Pictures: Walter Benjamin´s Little History of Photography, Curated by Gilad Reich (curator of Photography IMJ),Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel, August-December 2023
Parcous Elles x Paris Photo. A circuit dedicated to Women Photographers.Curated by Karolina Ziebinska-Lewandoska (curator of photography at Centre Pompidou, Paris)
A Certain Darkness. Curator: Alexandra Laudo. Caixa Forum, Barcelona. 2018-2019
Intervention. Curator: Juan José Santos. Centro de exposiciones SUBTE, Montevideo. Uruguay. 2018
Les Nouveaux Encyclopédistes. Curator: Joan Fontcuberta. Festival Europea de fotografía. Reggio Emilia. Italy. 2017
Lockers. Curators: Borja Llobregat and Diego Díez. MNCARS, Madrid. Spain. 2017
Adorno was Wrong. Curator: Mona Kuhn. The Billboard Creative Show, Los Ángeles. 2016
Me acuerdo. Curator: Jesús Alcaide. Alarcón Criado Gallery, Sevilla. 2016
Sobreexposición. Curator: Junajo Santos. MAC, Museum of Contemporary art. Santiago de Chile. 2016
Undocuments. Curator: Jesús Alcaide. Combo Independent Art Space, Córdoba. 2015
Cartography of Reality. Curator: Sara Rubinow. Centre d’Art La Panera, Lleida. 2015
Not All Photographs are Records. Curator: Lorenzo Fusi. Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool Biennale. Liverpool. 2014
Parallel Universes. Curator: Pepe Isla. Hospedería Fonseca, Salamanca. 2014
Stochastic Resonances. Curator: Lola Barrena. Sitio Festival, Tenerife. 2014
Sub/verso. Curator: Jesús Alcaide. Cosmopoética Festival. Fundación Antonio Gala. Córdoba. 2014
Parallel Universes. Curators: Pepe Isla and Laura Bravo. Francisco Oller Art Gallery and Fine Art Gallery 209. Puerto Rico. 2014
Spanish Artists’ Books from Libros Mutantes, the Madrid Art Book Fair. Curator: Max Schumann.Printed Matter, PS1, New York. 2013
Libros Mutantes, the Madrid Art Book Fair.Curator: Roberto Vidal. La Casa Encendida. Madrid. 2013
Without Departing from the Groove. Curator: Natalia Gimenez. Begoña Malone Gallery, Madrid. 2011
VI International Festival of the Image, Manizales, Colombia. 2007
Monterrey International Film Festival. Mexico. 2007
Festival Les Instants Vidéo. 20th edition, Gaza, Palestine
(traveled to Beirut, Lebanon; Avignon, Marseille, Valence, France). 2007
Images Against Nature. International Festival of Experimental Video, Marseille. 2007
Mostra Collective Video. Museum of Natural History, Lisbon. 2006
BAC 06. International Contemporary Arts Festival, CCCB, Barcelona. 2006
Abstracta 06. Roma, Italy
D-Neef, International film festival, Vitoria 2006

EXIS. Experimental Film and Video Festival, Seoul. 2006
International Film Festival of Gijon 43rd edition. Gijón, Spain. 2005
OBSESSION, International Video Art Festival, Istanbul, Turkey.
Images Contra Nature, International Festival of Experimental Video, Marseille. 2005
The First and the Last Experimental International Film Festival, Sydney. 2005
Rellumes, Spanish Film Archive, Madrid (traveled to CGAI, A Coruña; Valencia Film Archive, Valencia) 2005
Mínima, Mostra de Video Curt, Valencia. 2005
International Film Festival of Gijon 42nd edition. Asturias. 2004
Derivada. 6º Edition. Santander Bank Foundation Grant. 2023
PICE Mobility Grant, ACE ( Spanish Cultural Agency, Ministry of Spain ) 2019
Cultural Ministry of Spain. Funding for the video Project Ultraimage. 2016
The Billboard Creative, International Exhibition Call. Los Angeles, USA. 2016
Post-Photography Prototyping Prize (P3). ( Nominee )
Fotomuseum Winterthur and Julius Baer Foundation. Switzerland. 2016
UCO-LF. International Contemporary Photography Grant.
Córdoba University and La Fragua Artist Residency Program. Cordoba. Spain. 2015
Entreacto award. Santander Bank Foundation. Madrid. Spain. 2015
XXI Fine Arts Exhibition of Asturias Award. Oviedo. Spain. 2015
Young Artists Competition Madrid City Council. Accesit. Madrid. 2008
Complutense Young Artists Foundation Award. National Library. 2008
Solo Exhibition Award at Young Art Centre, Open Call for Young Creation of Madrid. 2008
42nd Gijón Film Festival. First Prize. 2004
SCAN Second Artist Residence Program, London, UK. 2018
UCO-LF. International Contemporary Photography Residence. 2016
Córdoba University and La Fragua Artist Residency Program. Cordoba. Spain. 2015
IMJ Collection. Israel Museum. Jerusalem.
DKV Collection.Spain.
Susch Museum. Switzerland.
Kells Collection.Spain.
Sammlung Phol. Germany.
Kablanc Otazu Collection and Art Foundation. Spain.
Pilar Citoler. Spain.
Private Collections. (In New York, Chicago, Sydney, and Paris, among others)