Google Pattern-
The Rest is History
To create the works in this series, Lombardía appropriates images from historical archives. She then silkscreens abstract, highly saturated shapes over the focal points of the black-and-white photogravures , leaving only the surrounding context visible. Using the VOIDX app, viewers transform the artist’s iconoclastic gesture into their own act of creation, digitally altering the two-dimensional work with other images or videos.
As the artist explains, “the work itself goes beyond hybrid to pose a conflict, as it is the sum of opposites: it is aura and it is copy, it is an ‘art object’ and it is dematerialized. It is finished and it is not. It is open to manipulation by the spectators. These works are everything and they are nothing.”
DJ Hellerman
Curator, SCAD Musuem of Art
Google Pattern
Chroma Art Prints
Photoengraving, screen print and digital interaction
Paris Photo
Alarcon Criado Gallery
Paris, France, 2021
Solo Show
SCAD Musuem of Art
Savannah, GA, USA
Solo Show
Alarcon Criado Gallery
Seville, Spain, 2021
ARCO Madrid 2021
Alarcon Criado Gallery
Photo Credits: Miguel Muñoz